How It Works


1. Register

Begin your journey by registering for an account. Fill in the required information, including your name, email address, and a secure password.

Onboarding Process

2. Onboarding Process

After registration, you'll be guided through a brief onboarding procedure. This process is designed to collect additional details necessary for creating your personalized life calendar. It includes providing your date of birth and estimating your life expectancy. These details play a crucial role in shaping your unique journey.

Set Up Your Life Calendar

3. Set Up Your Life Calendar

Once the onboarding process is complete, your personalized life calendar will be generated. It represents your life divided into weeks, providing you with a comprehensive overview of your journey. The calendar will include both future and past weeks, with the weeks prior to your account creation automatically marked as completed. This default setting allows you to have a comprehensive view of your journey from the very beginning. You can focus on the present and future while acknowledging the weeks that have shaped your past.

Track Your Progress

4. Track Your Progress

Once your life calendar is set up, you'll see a progress bar that reflects your current stage in life. This visual indicator provides a valuable perspective on the passage of time and your progress towards your goals. For example, if you're 41 years old with a calendar of 75 years, your progress bar might show you at 54%.

Mark Weeks as Completed

5. Mark Weeks as Completed

Every week, you have the important task of manually marking the completed week on your life calendar. This manual action serves as a reminder to reflect on the passing time and the significance of each week in your life. By actively engaging in this process, you'll become more aware of the value of time and the importance of making the most of each week.

Reflect and Write Mementos

6. Reflect and Write Mementos

Mementos are a powerful tool for capturing and preserving significant moments in your life. Every week, you can write notes, thoughts, or memories in the form of mementos. These mementos enable you to reflect on your experiences, achievements, and lessons learned. You can also specify the mood and life aspects associated with each memento, providing a comprehensive view of your emotional well-being and the various dimensions of your life.

Explore Your Timeline

7. Explore Your Timeline

The Timeline feature allows you to visualize and explore all your mementos in a chronological order. It presents your life events in a time-ordered calendar, from the most recent to the oldest. This visual representation enables you to revisit and appreciate your journey, gain insights into patterns or significant moments, and reflect on how far you've come.

Gain Insights and Find Balance

8. Gain Insights and Find Balance

Memento Mori empowers you to gain valuable insights into your life and find balance. By tracking your progress, reflecting on your mementos, and exploring your timeline, you can discover patterns, identify areas for growth, and find harmony in your journey. This self-awareness and understanding are essential in striving for personal fulfillment, setting meaningful goals, and living a balanced and purposeful life.